The little Mermaid: Ariel gets married at the age of 16, and even lays a child. But c’mon, she was very young. Her husband prince Eric was 18, 2 years older then Ariel. So the age of the romance part didn’t really sound normal in these days.
Ratatouille: Remy helps Linguini, the clumsy new chef that started working in the restaurant called Gusteau. But I don’t get how Remy helped him with all the cooking when he was just a tiny rat that would not have learned anything about cooking. Maybe it was because of the cookbook he saw in the beginning?
Aladdin: Okay, so I know this is all fake and made-up, but I’ve been wondering this quite a few times. Is it possible to have a tiger as a pet in the kingdom? Jasmine’s pet tiger Rajah, was like a best friend to Jasmine and I have been curious how that was possible. Although there were a lot of animal pets in Disney movies, it was my first time seeing a tiger as one.
The sleeping beauty: Malificent sets a curse on Aurora that she will prick her finger on a spinning wheel on her sixteenth birthday. Becuase of this, king stephan orders to burn every spinning wheel. The fairy godmothers takes Aurora to the forests and raise her because they thought that was safe. Since the curse was already on her, I don’t get how they thought it would be safe if they took her and raised her in the forests. Like, there could be a spinning wheel out there somewhere or Aurora might face one herself anywhere in the world.
Pinocchio: Pinocchio was a wooden puppet carved by Geppetto, who technically becomes his dad. In the story, pinocchio goes to school and that was the part that was interesting. Let’s think of all the possible things that could happen if Pinocchio goes to school. People could faint because they saw a wooden puppet that came to school with it’s own legs…Many things could happen. But Geppetto wanted Pinocchio to go to school, and I wonder if he has ever thought of the consequences.
Cinderella: Many people wonder this too, and I’m one of them. When the clock stroke 12, how did the glass slipper that Cinderella wore stayed and didn’t turn into her normal shoes? Everything she wore came back to normal and it’s a mystery how the glass slipper stayed.
Snow White and the seven Dwarfs: I’ve also wrote this in the first part(The little Mermaid)and it’s once again about the marriage and age. Snow white was only 14 when she married Prince Florian. Okay, so this is even more amazing and ironic becuase she was just at the age of an eighth grade student when Prince Florian was 31, a fully grown adult. The age gap between them was huge because they were 17 years apart from each other.